You Are Just One Digital Product Away From Generating At Least 6 Figures Per Year Online 

Finally! A foolproof formula anyone can follow to create a simple digital product that is GUARANTEED to sell

John Teaching His Product Creation Methods on Stage in Orlando, Florida

Discover the EXACT, 4-step system that’s helped 3,000+ entrepreneurs make the lucrative leap from struggling to make money online… to launching 6 and 7 figure businesses that generate sales while they sleep

From: John Thornhill
Sunderland, UK

I have been lucky enough to run my own online business since June 3rd 2006, that was the day I walked out of the car plant where I used to work to begin this amazing online journey.

Since then I've sold millions of dollars worth of digital products, became a top affiliate, and I now live a life I used to dream about, taking multiple vacations per year.

Of course, getting to the point where I was in a position to quit my job wasn't easy. Back then I was in over $75,000 worth of debt and had to work every hour I could. 

I couldn't even afford a vacation until I was 27 years old. So I know what it's like to struggle. In fact, it took me over 7 years of struggling, late nights and frustration to finally get to a position to go it alone. You see, back in the day I tried just about every so-called money making method out there, nothing worked, then I had a breakthrough.

I was having a little bit of success selling eBooks on eBay, so I decided to put together a program teaching what I knew.

Then it Happened...

I launched my product and within minutes my inbox was filling up with sale notifications, they came in while I was at work, while I was sleeping, while I was watching TV. They didn't stop.

Was it a fluke? Luckily it wasn't. I created another training product and within weeks I was bringing in more money from my online business in a day than I earned for working for a month in the car plant.

This was in 2004 and since then I have created hundreds of products that have generated millions in sales.

If there's one thing I've learned since I went full time in 2006 it's that you absolutely must be selling your own products and services if you want to succeed online...

everything i've learned about digital product creation is covered in Rapid digital Assets. Here's Some highlights

Chapter 01: Proof This System Works. I'll show you real proof of this system working to the tune of millions of dollars
Chapter 02: The Billion Dollar Opportunity. I'll show you the billion dollar opportunity that's staring you in the face right now.
Chapter 06: The Vendor v The Affiliate. I'll show you why being an affiliate is a sure fire way to fail when starting out.
Chapter 10: A Product Idea You Can Run With Right Now. Yes, I'll show you a PROVEN product idea you can literally run with right away
Chapter 13: Using Other Peoples Content For Speedy Product Creation. In this chapter I'll show you how to ethically use other peoples content to create a digital asset in record time.
Chapter 15: Delivering Your Product. Here I will show you how to deliver your product on 100% autopilot so you can live your live while your business runs itself.
Chapter 16: Recruiting JV Partners. I'll show you how to recruit the big guns who are capable of driving 1000s of sales.
Chapter 20: 6 Figures & Beyond. In this chapter I will show you how to get to 6 figures and beyond in record time.

The Vendor v The Affiliate

I already know what you're going to say now.

"Why can't I just do affiliate marketing John? It's easier."

You're right, it is easier, but how is that going for you right now? Most would be affiliates haven't even earned their first cent online yet, and even if they have I know they aren't generating the sort of income they desire.

Now don't get me wrong, affiliate marketing is great and I've generated millions of dollars in commissions as an affiliate. However, my affiliate earnings are generated from the subscriber lists, and more importantly the customer lists that I build from selling my own products. The truth is if I wasn't selling my own products I'd suck at affiliate marketing.

Also, the biggest problem you face when you're an affiliate is you are the only one sending the traffic to your offer.

When you're a product creator you can have an army of affiliates sending traffic to your offer... Check this screenshot from my JVZoo account:

Look, I am not an SEO expert, or a PPC expert, or a social media expert, or a blogging expert.


Some will be driving traffic from blogs, some from SEO, some from Facebook, I don't need to be an expert in any of these areas because they are.

Hopefully I'm convincing you that you absolutely must be creating and selling your own products online and that this is the number one thing you need to master. If you don't believe me show me one successful Internet Marketer that isn't selling a product of their own online. I don't know of one.

Have I convinced you?

Good! Now I just need to convince you that you can do this, so here goes...

So if a guy who left school with zero qualifications who ended up working in a car plant can do it what's stopping you?

My guess is you think you can't create a product of value. Or you haven't really thought about it before. Or maybe you just think it's an impossible task.

Well I'm here to tell you that with the right guidance you can do it, especially in 2022. That's because product creation is a lot easier than it used to be, back in the day we had to use complex HTML software such as Microsoft FrontPage Express, (remember that?) we had to master FTP, and don't get me started on creating a membership site.

Today it's so much easier as we have easy to operate page builders for building our sales pages, JV pages and download pages. We also have membership software that makes creating a membership site a breeze. Plus the marketplace platforms such as JVZoo, ClickBank and Warrior+ make putting your offer and sales funnel together easy.

I guess what I'm trying to tell you here is there is absolutely no excuse for not creating your own product or service in 2022, and that's what I'm here to teach you.

I Have Been Teaching Sales Funnel Creation Since 2008

I launched my first coaching program back in 2008, and that first program created some amazing success stories. I also received amazing feedback from my students who told me I had a gift for teaching this stuff.

My secret was to present the material in bite size chunks to make it easy to consume in a step by step manner. I also quickly learned that providing accompanying checklists and worksheets made the whole learning process easier.

I still coach people today and I charge up to $10,000 for the privilege.

So you may be thinking why the heck would I teach this stuff for only $4.95?

Well, the truth is I truly love teaching and I love creating content, I get so much satisfaction from the positive feedback I receive and from the lives I change. It's truly amazing when someone is ecstatic with excitement once they start to see sales come in from a digital product they have created, especially when the process is fully automated.

You see, you can create a product once and get paid for years to come. There is simply no other business model that is as satisfying, and as easy to operate.

Plus, I will be honest here, after I have delivered some amazing information I am hoping you want to work with me further and maybe even join one of my coaching programs, but if not it's perfectly cool.

So now you may be thinking why not give away this information for free?

I've decided to charge for this information to weed out the time wasters and tire kickers, if someone isn't prepared to pay $4.95 for this information then they certainly won't put any of what I teach into practice. If you have to think about spending $4.95 then this definitely isn't for you.

Do something once and get paid over and over again for years to come.

I am still getting paid for products I created over 10 years ago. Yes, people are still buying the products and still clicking the affiliate links inside and they are still on my mailing list and checking out my recommendations.

So remember, when you create something today it could still be making you money for years, and you don't have to lift a finger once it's been created.

Heres Some More things you will discover when you download your copy of rapid digital assets 

How to tap into the $1 TRILLION eLearning industry and finally build a REAL online business you can be proud of, that’s 100% yours.
The EXACT, 4-step system that’s helped 3,000+ entrepreneurs make the lucrative leap from struggling to make money online… to launching 6 and 7 figure businesses that generate sales while they sleep.
The foolproof formula anyone can follow to create a simple digital product that is GUARANTEED to sell, even if you’re a total technophobe and don’t consider yourself an “expert.”
Why affiliate marketing and e-commerce are the WORST ways to build an online income stream in 2022... and the simple, 4-step system my students are using to go from ZERO to 6 figures in record time.
How to turn your knowledge, experience or hobby into a simple digital product that generates you passive income for years to come.
How you can have your first breakthrough in a matter of hours.
Why you DON’T need to be an “expert” to create a digital product you can sell online when you leverage these 3 proven strategies to (ethically) create your product using other people's content.
3 little-known ways to create your digital product from information that ALREADY exists, meaning there's very little real work to do.
How to ethically leverage other people's audiences to generate 5-6 figures from your first digital product, even if you have no previous experience.
How to successfully launch your digital product and get it into the hands of hundreds or thousands of customers, WITHOUT spending months creating content or building an email list.
How you can automate every single aspect of your sales process and generate sales and subscribers on complete autopilot.
I'll give you a product idea you can run with straight away and have launched within days.
How you can partner with me to launch your product and experience your first 5-6 figure payday, even if you DON’T have an email list or any previous experience.

Plus Much Much More...

Grab Your Copy Right Now For Just $4.95  
And Get All These Bonuses For Free

Rapid Digital Assets Video Training.

Every Single Key Element I cover in the Rapid Digital Assets Book includes detailed Step by Step video training to ensure you understand every single part of the product creation process.

I will reference these key points as you read the book so you will be able to literally follow the whole process step by step.

So not only will I be explaining the whole process in the book but I'll also be showing you on video.

MindMaps From 6 Figure Product Launches.

As you will discover when you read Rapid Digital Assets, MindMapping is an extremely important part of the product creation process and I will include all the MindMaps from my most recent 6 figure launches.

These MindMaps are the foundations of multiple 6 figure launches and they break down the whole product creation process.

I will also show in great detail how to create your very own MindMaps to outline your own 6 figure launch in a matter of hours.

Rapid Digital Assets Audio Training.

Need to learn on the move? Well don't worry as I have you covered with additional bonus audio training.

This audio material will teach you the fundamentals of creating your very own 6 figure digital assets.

These audios are perfect for listening to in the car, at the gym or while walking the dog.

Detailed 'Fill in The Blanks' Worksheets.

There is nothing worse than staring at a blank screen before you begin your project, and that's where these step by step 'fill in the blanks' worksheets come in.

Simply fill in the blanks that I have outlined for you and you will be able to work your way through the whole product creation process in a matter of minutes.

These worksheets can also be printed out so you have access to a quick and easy reference point.

Free 30 Minute Product Creation Consultation.

Struggling for ideas or need some inspiration? Let us help.

You can schedule a 30 minute consultation where we promise we will give you a product idea you can run with right away.

No matter what your skill level I promise after spending 30 minutes with us you'll have a 6 figure idea.

All of The Support You Need to Make This Work.

I'm a firm believer in helping people get to where they want to be to get where I want to be and no matter what sort of help you need or what questions you have I am here to help you every step of the way.

I take great pride in the support myself and my team offer and I can guarantee a first class support service.

365 Day 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee

Yes, your investment is covered by our 365 day 'no questions asked' guarantee. Download Rapid Digital Assets today including all of the bonuses, and if you are not 100% blown away from this ground breaking material simply let us know or contact ClickBank via the link at the bottom of this page within 365 days and we will refund every penny. No questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Rapid Digital Assets For?

Rapid Digital Assets is for anyone who wants to finally start taking advantage of the Trillion Dollar eLearning industry and wants a step by step guide to start creating digital assets that has the potential to generate 6 figures online quickly and easily.

How Easy is This to Follow?

I have done my utmost to make the learning process as easy as possible to follow. Everything is laid out for you in a step by step manner and you will have all of the tools and techniques required to create a digital asset of your own in record time.

Why Did You Create Rapid Digital Assets?

The truth is I love teaching and I have helped over 3000 people build their online business with my courses and I wanted to create the most affordable and most detailed product creation course online. 

How Much Experience do You Have?

I launched my first digital product online in 2004 and have generated millions of dollars in sales since then. I also launched my first coaching program in 2008 that is responsible for over 23 million dollars in sales.

I'm Non Techy, Can I do This?

Absolutely, I have done my very best to make the whole process as easy as possible for you and have included literally everything you need to do this.

What Kind of Support do You Offer?

We take great pride in the support we offer and can help you with any questions you may have and will be on hand to help you 24/7.

Meet The Author

John Thornhill

John is a Top 1% Platinum ClickBank Platinum Seller whose digital products have netted him $5+ million in personal profits.

Since 2006, he’s helped over 3,000 entrepreneurs start (or grow) their online businesses. To date, his students have generated in excess of $23 million.

These days, John specialises in helping freedom-focused individuals create, launch, and sell their first digital product, even if they don’t consider themselves experts and have no idea where to start.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.  

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For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.  

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER. You understand and agree that there are important risk factors that should be considered by you when deciding whether to invest in this training. NO EARNINGS PROJECTIONS, PROMISES OR REPRESENTATIONS. While my trainings have created hundreds of success stories, I have no idea of your experience, and more importantly your work ethic. You must recognize and agree that I have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to you investing in this training. Any earnings or income statements, or any earnings or income examples, are only estimates of what I think you could earn. Some of my students make no money, some make a little bit of money, some make a lot of money. What you earn will be down to a lot of factors that are out of my control.